LCD Category

Screen Your Genome Under $512, Open Sourcing Biology With OpenPCR

Most of people working in the field of biological or scientific research should greet the open hardware applications we are  witnessing in this age of Garage Science. From the Phduino to the DIY Oscilloscopes, through  STM (Scanning-Tunneling Electron Microscope), Arduino is getting used to prototype tools that used to be more expensive and possibly unavailable […]

Customize Your Car’s Electronics Using Arduino

Customizing your car with Arduino is getting easier and easier, with plenty of examples online. After the MPGuino Community, different OBD and CAN shields, we welcome the JEEPuter: The JEEPuter is a programmable push-button system for controlling things like ignition, GPS navigation system, CB radio, RF scanner, 110V inverter, external and internal lights, and garage […]