Batteries Category

Reduce power consumption in IoT and wearable devices with Arduino’s new power management library!

Developing energy-efficient IoT and wearable devices is complex and time-consuming, yet it is essential for creating high-quality products that stand out in today’s market. A key part in this process is optimizing power consumption without sacrificing performance or functionality. Fortunately, Arduino Pro modules help address this challenge by offering powerful chips and efficient regulators, enabling […]

Social Fuel For Your Car: Travel With A Little Help From Your Friends

Impressing automotive hacking lets this FIAT car moving by the number of “like” from the Guarana Antarctica Facebook Fan Page. The advertising idea is simple: let the social audience support this Sau Paulo to Salvador trip to reach the Carnivalby commenting / “liking” the page. The onboard Arduino ADK (connected to a tablet and the […]

Listening To The Walls’ Whispers

[Pierre] shares an interesting geo-localization project of sound, narration and  culture,  made in  “plan d’Aou”, a district of Marseilles – France. The project dates back in September 2010, within the framework of the Smala project in order to trace a sound cartography of Islam in the city of Marseilles: the guys at [Echelle Inconnue] took […]

Listening To The Walls' Whispers

[Pierre] shares an interesting geo-localization project of sound, narration and  culture,  made in  “plan d’Aou”, a district of Marseilles – France. The project dates back in September 2010, within the framework of the Smala project in order to trace a sound cartography of Islam in the city of Marseilles: the guys at [Echelle Inconnue] took […]

Customize Your Car’s Electronics Using Arduino

Customizing your car with Arduino is getting easier and easier, with plenty of examples online. After the MPGuino Community, different OBD and CAN shields, we welcome the JEEPuter: The JEEPuter is a programmable push-button system for controlling things like ignition, GPS navigation system, CB radio, RF scanner, 110V inverter, external and internal lights, and garage […]

Seg..Stick – A Stick-Controlled, Arduino-Based Segway

[scolton] made a nice self-balaced vehicle based on two DeWalt cordless drills and an Arduino Nano: Segstick is a self-balancing…well, literally some kind of broomstick I found in the MITERS workshop. It is powered direct by two DeWalt cordless drills chucked to two 6″ wheels. The controller is an Arduino. Additional supporting devices include an Inertial […]