EDUvision EXTRA: Quetzal-1 strikes back
Welcome to EDUvision EXTRA! We’re chatting once more with José Antonio Bagur, who built Guatemala’s first ever satellite and helped get it into space!
Welcome to EDUvision EXTRA! We’re chatting once more with José Antonio Bagur, who built Guatemala’s first ever satellite and helped get it into space!
During the last year we have seen our community growing at a tremendous pace. This has its pros and cons. More people means more people to help out, but also more work in moderating the forum. We want to be inclusive at we work of supporting multi-language forum topics, as well as the multi-language IDE. […]
Sebastian Alegria, a 14 years old Chilean teen created an earthquake warning system based on Arduino, an earthquake detector (bought for less 100 $) and an ethernet shield. Alegria’s rudimentary yet effective system comes from having survived Chile’s own earthquakes last year and seeing the devastation that covered Japan earlier this year. Keen on finding […]
Barcelona-based IAAC school is hosting a summer school (in Barcelona and Mumbay). The theme of this year’s course is creating an urban tool of a networked city based on a new informational layer. What happens if we think Urbanism and Energy through a new informational layer added in our cities?
Barcelona-based IAAC school is hosting a summer school (in Barcelona and Mumbay). The theme of this year’s course is creating an urban tool of a networked city based on a new informational layer. What happens if we think Urbanism and Energy through a new informational layer added in our cities?
[Alex TC] from [Bricogeek] posted a tutorial about how to interface Arduino and Android replacing the ADK shield by Google with commonc sensors and actuators. [few days ago] ADK was presented on Google’s blog, a platform that enables communication between Android and Arduino. The downside was that the development kit costs around 300 €. Today […]
[Alex TC] from [Bricogeek] posted a tutorial about how to interface Arduino and Android replacing the ADK shield by Google with commonc sensors and actuators. [few days ago] ADK was presented on Google’s blog, a platform that enables communication between Android and Arduino. The downside was that the development kit costs around 300 €. Today […]
Para aquellos que aún están en duda de si asistir a la Barcamp Castellón el último fin de semana de Abril. Tengo el placer de anunciar que los organizadores han tenido a bien invitarme y … no he podido resistirme a la tentación de acercarme a la Comunidad x 2 (la Comunidad Valenciana y la […]
In the last couple of weeks I have been interviewed a couple of times about the development of the Arduino project, the future of the platform, the importance of Open Source Hardware, and the implications of open licenses. If you understand Spanish you might be interested in listening to this podcast by Jorge Barrientos, or […]
[pabloxid] shared an Hexapod project on the forum based on an Arduino MEGA 1280 and 18 Dynamixel AX-12 motors: SAMSA is based on the Wiring board, with an ATmega128 microcontroller, and SAMSA II on the Arduino Mega, with an ATmega1280. Both are pretty similar, tough the ATmega1280 has 8 KB SRAM, twice the ATmega128. For […]