Guys … this is a teaser
You heard about the Arduino documentary, right? … this is the poster For more nice illustrations, take a look at: the blog to the poster’s author.
You heard about the Arduino documentary, right? … this is the poster For more nice illustrations, take a look at: the blog to the poster’s author.
[Eli Skipp] made a glove that senses high-fives using a force sensor and makes an explosion sound. High-five has never been so cool! This project is finished and critiqued via the Electronics as an Art Material class in SAIC. Many thanks to Mitchell F. Chan and Ed Bennett, without whom I would be sitting in […]
[scolton] made a nice self-balaced vehicle based on two DeWalt cordless drills and an Arduino Nano: Segstick is a self-balancing…well, literally some kind of broomstick I found in the MITERS workshop. It is powered direct by two DeWalt cordless drills chucked to two 6″ wheels. The controller is an Arduino. Additional supporting devices include an Inertial […]
Il Sole 24 Ore, the Italian economics newspaper, corresponding to the Uk’s “Financial Times”, featured Massimo in its list of the most innovative person of the decade. Il pubblica la lista dei dieci innovatori del decennio – stilata con la redazione di Nòva24 – dando un volto alle idee che più hanno cambiato dieci […]
Il Sole 24 Ore, the Italian economics newspaper, corresponding to the Uk’s “Financial Times”, featured Massimo in its list of the most innovative person of the decade. Il pubblica la lista dei dieci innovatori del decennio – stilata con la redazione di Nòva24 – dando un volto alle idee che più hanno cambiato dieci […]
Ideo worked on the changing relationship we have towards music, adding a new, dynamic yet vintage approach: The concept behind the C60 Redux is this: We’ve gone from handling vinyl, tapes and CD’s to clicking on MP3’s, losing tactility in the process and making a casualty of the mix tape. Is it possible to bring […]
Ideo worked on the changing relationship we have towards music, adding a new, dynamic yet vintage approach: The concept behind the C60 Redux is this: We’ve gone from handling vinyl, tapes and CD’s to clicking on MP3’s, losing tactility in the process and making a casualty of the mix tape. Is it possible to bring […]
[DaveAK] shares his latest (uncompleted, never really complete, are they) CAN Shield. Now I understand that there are a few CAN implementations out there, but the more the merrier, right? This one uses the MCP2515/MCP2551 chips like most of them do. It has a switchable CS pin so that you can use other SPI shields […]
Arduino Forum User [Donster] posted a project about a Christmas Tree whose lights are lit by the word “Merry Christmas” on twitter: The basic idea is having the lights on the Christmas Tree turning on everytime someone tweets “Merry Christmas”. It’s still pretty much a prototype but you get the idea. Sometimes the live stream […]
Great Tutorial from TronixStuff about the less known Arduino AREF Pin. First: what is resolution? We measure resolution in the terms of the number of bits of resolution. For example, a 1-bit resolution would only allow two (two to the power of one) values – zero and one. A 2-bit resolution would allow four (two […]