Nicla Category

Small-footprint keyword spotting for low-resource languages with the Nicla Voice

Speech recognition is everywhere these days, yet some languages, such as Shakhizat Nurgaliyev and Askat Kuzdeuov’s native Kazakh, lack sufficiently large public datasets for training keyword spotting models. To make up for this disparity, the duo explored generating synthetic datasets using a neural text-to-speech system called Piper, and then extracting speech commands from the audio with the Vosk Speech […]

Categories:NiclaNicla Voice

The Environmental Sense Mask monitors air quality in real-time

Hazardous pollution in the form of excess CO2, nitrogen dioxide, microscopic particulates, and volatile organic compounds has become a growing concern, especially in developing countries where access to cleaner technologies might not be available or widely adopted. Krazye Karthik’s Environmental Sense Mask (ES-Mask) focuses on bringing attention to these harmful compounds by displaying ambient air quality measurements […]