English Category

Must-See Beginner Tutorials For Arduino

[Jeremy] made ten Tutorials about Arduino worth our “All Stars” category. He talks about different themes: Blinking Leds [Intro & #2], Electrical Engineering  [#3],  Analog Inputs [#4], Motors & Transistors [#5], Serial Communication & Processing [#6], I2C & Processing [#7], SPI Interfaces [#8], Wireless Communication [#9] and Interrupts [#10]. Thanks to a generous sponsorship from […]

Kinect Controlled Delta-Robot

Everybody’s amazed about the incredible things done with Kinect and Processing + Arduino. Tutorial need! This is a project in development for the module “Digital Ecologies”, at the Bartlett’s Adaptive Architecture and Computation MSc. – University College London A Delta-Robot is controlled by a Kinect through Processing and Arduino. The movements of the performer control […]

Gameduino Brings Vintage Gaming Back

If Kickstarter is nowadays best place to find new (or upcoming) toys to dream about, Gameduino is probably one of the most amazing pieces of hardware I’ve seen hosted there. The shield mounts its own FPGA able of 80ies style graphics and sounds for creating old-school, 8-bit video-games, pre-loaded with numerous sprites and set up […]

Customize Your Car’s Electronics Using Arduino

Customizing your car with Arduino is getting easier and easier, with plenty of examples online. After the MPGuino Community, different OBD and CAN shields, we welcome the JEEPuter: The JEEPuter is a programmable push-button system for controlling things like ignition, GPS navigation system, CB radio, RF scanner, 110V inverter, external and internal lights, and garage […]