Must-See Beginner Tutorials For Arduino
[Jeremy] made ten Tutorials about Arduino worth our “All Stars” category. He talks about different themes: Blinking Leds [Intro & #2], Electrical Engineering [#3], Analog Inputs [#4], Motors & Transistors [#5], Serial Communication & Processing [#6], I2C & Processing [#7], SPI Interfaces [#8], Wireless Communication [#9] and Interrupts [#10].
Thanks to a generous sponsorship from element14, I’m putting together a tutorial series on using the arduino microcontroller platform! The arduino is a platform that I’ve done several projects with, and I think it is the best possible way for beginners to get acquainted with electronics. This tutorial series will be aimed at beginner users, but I’m hoping to keep it going with some more advanced topics a few episodes into the future.
thanks Jeremy! ++
via [JeremyBlum] [Element14]