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Illutron Ship Gets Remote-Controlled

Davide GombaMarch 11th, 2011

[Christian] from Illutron hackespace in Copenhagen managed to control and monitor this ship (Illutron) from the internet.

Today, it is finally possible to remotely monitor the ship. In essence: I am sitting in the warm comfort of my home, and with a glance at my phone, I can see, that the sinking alarm in the machinery room is dry. The light is out in the Mess room. All is nice at our little lovely ship out there in the dark, cold Sydhavn.
Actually, behind this lies a pretty clever system (I think I am allowed to brag a little :-), that makes it possible to monitor events on sensors on the ship, and trigger that messages is sent to Google
Talk users. (if you have a gmail, you have Google Talk) It is also possible via your chat, to send commands to the ship, and get reading from sensors when you want them.[…] Basicly, we can monitor anything, that can be plugged into an Arduino board. One thing I would love, is a temperature sensor for the Mess room. Bring the sensor, and I will mount it So far, we have
– a light sensor, that reports if it is light or dark in the Mess (the electronics room)
– a new water level sensor. I didn’t dare mess with the old system, so I am putting in new float sensors

Things can still be developed a lot, and it will be – Suggestions would be happily received.
Thanks and hello to Stephane and Olle that came by to visit us at the sunday meeting, and ended up staying all evening – for help with sensor mounting and JavaScript improvements!

Have a look at this Ship Automation project on [Christian Liljedahl project page] and [Illutron site]