Machine Hacks Category

An Arduino-enhanced espresso machine: the "Naked Espresso"

Reborn is an australian digital creative agency whose mission is to design smart and innovative ideas. Among their works, a very nice one regards a hack consisting in the re-engineering of a sofisticated espresso machine, to show its peculiar features in the process of coffee making. By means of an Arduino board, the team can collect real-time information such […]

An Arduino-enhanced espresso machine: the “Naked Espresso”

Reborn is an australian digital creative agency whose mission is to design smart and innovative ideas. Among their works, a very nice one regards a hack consisting in the re-engineering of a sofisticated espresso machine, to show its peculiar features in the process of coffee making. By means of an Arduino board, the team can collect real-time information such […]

Arduino Circuit Bending Workshop in Torino

Il prossimo week-end a Torino si terrà un workshop gratuito di Arduino (un kit opzionale potrà essere comprato per partecipare qualora non disponeste dei materiali elencati) sul circuit bending e la generazione di suoni con la scheda. Un workshop di tre giorni per smontare riciclare e far suonare vecchi strumenti elettronici, creare una digital toys […]