Archive 2010

aJson: The Arduino Json Library Is Released In v1.0aJson: The Arduino Json Library Is Released In v1.0aJson: The Arduino Json Library Is Released In v1.0

  aJson is an Arduino library to enable JSON processing with Arduino. It easily enables you to decode, create, manipulate and encode JSON directly from and to data structures. By this you don’t have to bother with data encoding and decoding – this will aJson handle for you. aJson is a library to receive, understand, […]

Arduino And Flash Tutorials. All Of A Sudden.Arduino And Flash Tutorials. All Of A Sudden.Arduino And Flash Tutorials. All Of A Sudden.

If you (like me) get to know the term “software tutorial” related to some professional products like the Adobe Suite, you are going to be quite amazed in seeing Kevin Hoyt introducing Arduino as the Physical counterpart of that high-level, client-friendly, closed-source, wonderful software which is Adobe Flash. […] If you like me spend a […]

Arduino And Flash Tutorials. All Of A Sudden.Arduino And Flash Tutorials. All Of A Sudden.Arduino And Flash Tutorials. All Of A Sudden.

If you (like me) get to know the term “software tutorial” related to some professional products like the Adobe Suite, you are going to be quite amazed in seeing Kevin Hoyt introducing Arduino as the Physical counterpart of that high-level, client-friendly, closed-source, wonderful software which is Adobe Flash. […] If you like me spend a […]

Mozilla Drumbeat Festival – Mozduino Reaches MACBA SquareMozilla Drumbeat Festival – Mozduino Reaches MACBA SquareMozilla Drumbeat Festival – Mozduino Reaches MACBA Square

  Here are our last post about Mozilla Drumbeat Festival. We wanted to give back to the community what we’ve been doing in the Arduino Playground: Mozduino!   Here are our last post about Mozilla Drumbeat Festival. We wanted to give back to the community what we’ve been doing in the Arduino Playground: Mozduino!   […]

Mozilla Drumbeat Festival – Mozduino Reaches MACBA SquareMozilla Drumbeat Festival – Mozduino Reaches MACBA SquareMozilla Drumbeat Festival – Mozduino Reaches MACBA Square

  Here are our last post about Mozilla Drumbeat Festival. We wanted to give back to the community what we’ve been doing in the Arduino Playground: Mozduino!   Here are our last post about Mozilla Drumbeat Festival. We wanted to give back to the community what we’ve been doing in the Arduino Playground: Mozduino!   […]

Place-stat* Helps You Visualize Your Energy ConsumptionPlace-stat* Helps You Visualize Your Energy ConsumptionPlace-stat* Helps You Visualize Your Energy Consumption

  [Gonzalo Garcia-Pelate] is developing Place-stat*, an interesting Arduino-based home-monitoring tool, adding a more intuitive, informal and relational way to visualize data: People install energy monitors in their homes to become more aware of their consumption, and to improve based on the information the meter provides. To lower energy consumption the key information people want […]