Kniterate is a 3D printer for clothes

Why head to the store when you could simply create your outfits right at home with the touch of a button? That’s the idea behind London-based startup Kniterate, who has developed what they’re calling “the 3D printer for knitwear.” The system features Photoshop-like software that enables Makers to easily design patterns using various templates, which are then imported over to the Arduino Mega-driven machine equipped with 80 five-gauge […]

Officine Arduino a Modena Makers

Il prossimo fine settimana Officine Arduino si trasferisce a Modena in occasione della Fiera dell’Elettronica. […] Fab Lab Reggio Emilia, Officine Arduino e Kentstrapper allestiranno il  Mo.Ma FabLab; uno spazio a disposizione dei maker allestito con alcune stampanti 3D Galileo Next e una ShareBot Pro con doppio estrusore, un laser cutter, una fresa e un kinect per scansione 3D. All’interno del temporary FabLab di Mo.Ma […]
