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Interactive Architectures: Media-TIC and Interactive Buildings

Davide GombaSeptember 24th, 2010


Some time ago I was informed that the surfaces of the amazing Media-TIC building (from Cloud 9 / Enric Ruiz Geli) were Arduino-based, sensing the enviroment/atmosferic changes and offering a 20% saving on climate control:

The building is in the shape of a cube and formed by large iron beams covered in a plastic coating of inflatable bubbles, which offer glimpses of the fluorescent structure of the building. The attractive covering also has a functional utility as a way of regulating light and temperature, primarily preventing 114 tons of CO2 a year from escaping from the building, and offering a 20% saving on climate control.

Every facade of the Media-TIC is different: from the outside, they reveal parts of their interior spaces and give a diverse plasticity, while from the inside they offer spectacular views.

Importing enviroment data from Arduino to Rhino and other 3D programs has become easier with the creation of [GrassHopper] and its practical toolbar [FireFly].

Firefly for Grasshopper / Arduino from Jason K Johnson on Vimeo.

New ways to conceive our spaces, a new use of energy, the upcoming concept of [active houses] are just around the corner. My question is: how can we get rid of 50 years of  misuse (misunderstanding?) of architecture?

A new age is coming, maybe.

Thanks to [PaoloMartini] [LucaBiselli] [thePlan] see also [GrassHopper3D] [firefly] [Media-TIC]