Come and join Arduino at Maker Faire Rome

Starting thursday the 3rd of October, Maker Faire Rome is finally opening in the italian capital, gathering hundreds of makers from all over Europe. We’ve been working on it for some months together with Riccardo Luna and Asset Camera team: finally it’s time to enjoy the moment.
The conference
On thursday you can attend the conference “How to reMake the World” with Riccardo Luna and Massimo Banzi, curators of the Faire, along with international guests including David John Gauntlett, Raffaello D’Andrea, Dale Dougherty and many more. It’ll be a total immersion in the universe of 3D printing, open source electronics and the culture of making. Discover all the speakers at this link.
The booth
You can visit Arduino booth (Zone D2) during the weekend where you’ll find a series of one-to-one stations for different level of knowledge, from beginners to pro. You’ll be able to explore together with Officine Arduino/FablabTorino crew:
- the Arduino Starter Kit with its 10 projects and the book (Now also in ITALIAN!)
- the Arduino Yún and some cool demos
- the Arduino Mega ADK and its great features
- the Arduino Robot running around the fair!
- other experimental projects from the lab
Meet all the other makers at this link.
The store
Many people have been asking and the answer is YES! There will be an Arduino Store selling most of the Arduino products at the Faire (Arduino Yún included!). You’ll find also some other interesting products like kits from Make, O’Reilly books, Little Bits, kits by Prusa, Ultimaker, Plug&Wear and more.
The presentations
Starting at the conference, there will be Massimo Banzi, all the other Arduino’s founders (Tom Igoe, David Mellis, David Cuartielles, Gianluca Martino) and Officine Arduino/Fablab Torino crew participating to panels, talks and debates. Check Maker Faire program in the next days to learn about the details. Don’t miss this chance to have your board autographed! ;)
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