Maker Faire Rome: Call for makers extended until June 15th!
June 1st, 2015
Yes, we made it! You have some more days to complete your application for Maker Faire Rome – The European edition, and be with us next October. So far, we received many interesting, challenging, surprising projects and we don’t want to miss yours: defeat the procrastinator hiding in you and submit you project now!
Projects will be selected by a jury and will participate free of charge. If your project is accepted:
- you can exhibit your project: we’ll give you for free a booth with table and chairs inside the halls, which will be filled with visitors who are curious and interested in meeting you
- you can make a presentation in public: we’ll give you for free a room or a stage where you can talk about your project or tell your story or deal with the issues that you want to propose
- you can hold a workshop: we’ll give you for free a workshop area where you can do interactive demonstrations and engage participants -adults and / or children- in practical activities
- you can perform in public: we’ll give you for free a space or a stage to perform in your creative, technological, robotic, musical, pyrotechnic performance.