[Grumpy_Mike] Turns 10.000 – A Huge Amount Of Links

Long time Arduino user and Arduino Forum Contributor [Grumpy_Mike] posted this morning it’s 10.000th post.
Well with this post I reach the 10,000 mark, which is a lot of posts!
It have been fun and I hope that some of them have been helpful. Apart from the odd odd character most people here have a wicked sense of humor. Thanks Guys.There are of course questions that continually crop up and I have developed a small list of both my own pages and those from elsewhere that I can use in the appropriate situation. So my Exhibition now is a copy of this list so far. Enjoy:-
It’s a looong list of resources. I’ll spend some time checking here and there.
Thanks [Grumpy_Mike], we wish you some 10.000 posts more. (at least now people have more resources to check before opening a thread…)
via [Arduino Forum]