Low-quality wireless audio transmission with Arduino

After considering the price of helmet-mounted headsets for motorcycle or moped use, YouTuber GreatScott! decided to try making his own. His walkie-talkie prototype consisted of two Arduino Nano boards, using nRF24L01+ transceivers and a small speaker for PWM audio output.

After a test demonstrating wireless transmission, the design was transferred to custom PCBs, programming their ATmega328P with an Uno acting as an ISP. The audio results are, at this point, barely intelligible. Nevertheless, it’s an interesting experiment, showing that this type of communication is possible using the RF24Audio library with an Arduino-based system.

If you think you could do things better, or that he’s missed something obvious, the PCB design is available here, so be sure to chime in on the video’s comments if you have an idea!