Make a 3D printed LEGO-compatible Arduino Micro casing

Here we are after winter break with a new tutorial on 3d printing with Arduino Materia 101. The 5-step tutorial allows you to design a Lego-compatible case for the Arduino Micro to be used together with the power function IR-receiver mentioned in this other Tutorial.
During the lesson you’ll learn also how to make the Lego-compatible pieces accurately and easily with FreeCAD without taking all the measurements!
Follow the steps and print yours >>

Check the previous tutorials on 3d printing with Material 101
Interested in getting in touch and showing your experiments? Join Kristoffer on the Arduino forum dedicated to Materia 101 and give us your feedback.
Recently Arduino user Botberg implemented an auto-levelling bed sensor to be sure that the placement of the first extrusion layer is placed well and increasing the printer successes!