Afrimakers, planting the seed of local change

Afrimakers is a initiative born to inspire young African makers and plant the seed of local change through social entrepreneurship, digital fabrication and regional collaboration.
Its main promoter is HacKIDemia, a global organisation based in Berlin that enables future changemakers to access and create a hands-on science, technology, art, engineering and design education that will enable them to solve challenges by developing and testing creative solutions and physical artifacts.

They launched a crowd funding campaign on Indiegogo to create maker workshops focused on local challenges in 7 hubs around Africa, to activate training paths and work with young people (potentially Kenya, Tanzania, South Africa, Zambia, Ghana, Nigeria, Egypt ).
Stefania Druga, HacKIDemia founder, strongly believes that:
“Learning by doing and by playing comes natural to children as they have an innate curiosity. With HacKIDemia hands-on workshops we try to encourage and develop that curiosity and give them tools to transform their dreams into reality. The sooner they start the better.”
Each of the seven hubs will receive a maker kit which consists of several components, among which also Arduino Uno boards, and a local team will then be recruited and trained by HacKIDemia to organize and run hands-on workshops in local private and public schools.
They are running an indiegogo campaign and 2 hubs got already funded. CHech the video below and help them fund the rest!