ArduinoTour in Singapore! See you on August 3rd and 4th
It’s been a while now we have been testing and bringing ArduinoTour Workshops all over Italy and – here and there – around Europe. And we are happy to inform you that this powerful workshop format is soon landing in Singapore on August the 3rd-4th, hosted by The Hub Singapore, a cool co-working space willing to spread the Arduino word within its walls and beyond.
During the 2-day workshop participants will learn the basics of Arduino (what we call the Arduino Alphabet) and have the chance to see it in action on different scenarios. They will produce their own project using the Arduino Starter Kit given to the workshop attendees.
The ArduinoTour is a way to meet & share experiences. For this reason it’s traditionally opened by a public presentation of Arduino which is going to happen on friday the 2nd of August at 7:00 PM at the-Hub. (download hi-res flyer)
Book your participation now and join the Arduino world.