29th of March: A celebration of 10 years of Arduino and its worldwide community

Arduino Day is a worldwide celebration of Arduino’s first 10 years. It’s 24 hours full of events – both official and independent, anywhere around the world – where people interested in Arduino can meet, share their experiences, and learn more.
Arduino invites Arduino user groups, makerspaces, hackerspaces, fablabs, associations, studios, educators, beginners and pro to take part to a day of celebration.
Every Arduino Day event is modular. All over the world, organizers can plan different types of activities according to different audiences and skills.
You can attend any event or organize one for your community.
It doesn’t matter whether you are an expert or a newbie, an engineer, designer, crafter or maker: Arduino Day is open to anyone who wants to celebrate Arduino and all the things that have been done (or can be done!) with it.
The events set up by independent organizers will offer different types of activities, tailored to local audiences all over the world.
- Fill out this online form to submit your proposal.
- Once your idea is approved, a pin marking the spot of your event will be added to the map on the Arduino Day website.
You’ll also receive a confirmation email with a link to download your Digital Kit, which includes:
- Official Arduino Day posters
- Event flyer
- Official signage system
- Badges
- And a 10% discount code for the Arduino Store

The call will close 15th March 2014. Ready to join us? Follow this hashtag #ArduinoD14 and use it to promote your event!