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Friday night: Beerduino

dcuartiellesMay 2nd, 2008

It is Friday night and I am home coding bootloaders for an application of some of my students at K3. In the back I have opened the #arduino IRC channel on the Freenode server where about 30 people are connected talking different issues. Among the most active ones is Scoates from, who was featured in Make some time ago for making an Arduino controlled Brewery.

Friday night and Beer sounds like the perfect combination to me. So I asked for some more information and got this article, but also this link where you will get access to the latest update of Scoates’ code to this Arduino NG Beembedded artifact.

beer brewing controller with Arduino by Scoates@Montrealers

Picture courtesy of Sean Coates aka Scoates

I googled a little more and found out a two-days-old post on Makezine about this very same topic. Seems like beer brewing is big in North America. Until it reaches our dear old continent, please enjoy Sean’s pictures.
