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microSD module from Libelium

dcuartiellesFebruary 17th, 2009

I am starting my review series talking about the microSD module from Libelium. It is a tiny board (45x23mm) that can be used with any microcontroller platform able of communicating over SPI. I got it with a 1GB microSD card and a set of male headers that allow connecting the board to the digital pins 8 to 13. It is also possible to connect the board directly to Arduino’s programming header, since the SPI port is the one used to burn the Arduino bootloader.

(c) 2009 D. Cuartielles, Arduino color with microSD module

(c) 2009 D. Cuartielles, Arduino color with microSD module

The nice thing about the microSD module is that when connected to the digital pins, you won’t need any other wires to get it to work. Pulling pin 8 to HIGH is enough to power up the SD card. Libelium, on their wireless sensor networks website, have made great documentation of their board.

I am writing some code examples for them for some months now. We work together in some other open source project. I ask if it was OK to pre-release some of the code I am making for them regarding SD cards. After getting a green light, I invested my Sunday night in making a nice library for this article to be found at my open source repository.

I have now a good tool to push data into the card (with some limitations), read existing files, append strings to files, log sensor data or play pre-recorded sounds (more to come on this topic). The module’s form factor make it great to be included in many of the projects I face in my everyday work. I hope I hadn’t given Dave Mellis the second microSD module we got.

Remember you can win one of this modules if you participate in Libelium’s design contest. If you cannot wait that long, it is not expensive to get one and start with your experiments.

If you want more references about this design on, visit:

For getting the board’s code:

For getting the board:
