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Flash / Arduino Based Speed DetectorFlash / Arduino Based Speed DetectorFlash / Arduino Based Speed Detector

Davide GombaNovember 2nd, 2010


Flash / Arduino Based Speed Detector from Mike Chambers on Vimeo.

[Mike Chambers] developed a nice Flash / Arduino based speed detector with clients for Mac, Windows and Android based devices (via Adobe AIR 2.5 beta).

Here is how it works. I have an Arduino Duemilanove with ATMega328 which has two photo-resistors connected (with a 10k pull down resistor). I set up two laser pointers to shine a laser directly onto the photo-resistor (which is enclosed within a dark box). The Arduino monitors the values returned from the light sensor, and watches for any changes that indicate that the laser bean has been broken. When both laser beams are broken, the Arduino calculates the amount of time between when each sensor was tripped. It then sends that value to the Adobe AIR based client, which is connected to the Arduino via USB / Serial port and a serial port proxy (in the case, TinkerProxy).

You can get the schematics and the codes from this project on Mike’s github.

via [MikeChambers]