How to print a Pirate Hook with your Materia 101

Using a 3d printer means playing with some hardware but especially some softwares. In the tutorial of this week, the fourth tutorial of our series , Kris is going to introduce you how to work with Slic3r, a G-Code generator for 3d printers and basically a tool you need to convert a digital 3D model into printing instructions for your 3D printer. Slic3r is an open source software able to cut the model into horizontal slices (layers), generates toolpaths to fill them and calculates the amount of material to be extruded so that you can reach good results.
The object you’ll be able to print with your Materia 101 is a pirate hook !
Follow the 12 steps on Scuola and print yours >>

Check the previous tutorials on 3d printing with Material 101
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