A Speed Suit Activated with Motion #ArduinoMicroMonday

Instructables user Beaconsfield posted a great project of a suit controlled by Arduino Micro, lighting up EL wires when the wearer starts to walk and lights them up completely when the wearer runs or dances:
Most of the time EL wire is used as is, with manual on/off control. However, I wanted to control it with an Arduino, so it would react to results from a sensor. This motion-activated suit flashes when the wearer starts to walk and lights up completely when the wearer runs. Perfect for those late-night runs! (or dance parties – it lights up when the wearer moves, and this includes dancing)
The suit itself is a set of zip-up coveralls decorated with EL wire and controlled via an Arduino Micro. An accelerometer monitors the wearer’s motion and sends that data to the Arduino.
In 19 steps you can make yours: follow the instructions.