The donation robot

Holger from Fablab Düsseldorf writes in about a small robot they prototyped with Arduino Uno, helping them raise some funds for their local space:
We created the idea in our non-commerical FabLab in Düsseldorf, Germany to create a small robot, who makes our vistors and guests aware of placing a small money donation. This robot was required to be transportable, robust and to draw as much attention as possible.
Thus, we included LED-Stripes, servos, sensors and sound to the project. Packed in a very old german vacuum cleaner. The work took about 1 year to construct, print and integrate all 3D-printed parts, wiring and software development with the Arduino Uno. But software development was the minor part, although parallel processing on the Arduino in order to run every component simultaneously required a small trick.
These are the components in action:
- Controller: Arduino Uno R3
- Software: Standard Processing and standard libraries
- Audio: VLSI VS1000 Audio Module incl. our own firmware that lets the Arduino control the board
- Distancesensor: HC-SR04 embedded in a modelled nose of FIMO
- 4 LED stripes (2 RGB on the backside)
- 6 power-LEDs for the top
- 1 servo for moving the top
- 1 Servo for moving the bill-mouth
- 3 distance sensors for bill and coin detection
- 1 switch for muting the audio module and 1 reset button
Take a look at the video below, learn the details on their blog and visit them during the Arduino Day (yes, they are organising an event in their space)!