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Eco Albero with Arduino

torukmactouDecember 14th, 2012

Arduino meets Ecology and Christmas. This integrations uses Arduino as a Twitter trigger for the lights, so if you tweet one of the keywords: PACE, AMORE, SERENITA’, FRATELLANZA, TOLLERANZA, GIOIA, SPERANZA, SOLIDARIETA’, FELICITA’, PEACE, LOVE, BROTHERHOOD. This is an Italian Project and the Tree can be found in  Lonate Pozzolo near Varese.

A big ( 12 mt tall ) Christmas Tree build with 34.626 plastic bottles and “powered” by Arduino and Paraimpu, feeded via twitter and site-pushbuttons. Tweet your keyword with special hastag #ecoalbero and light up a light on the tree.

More information ( in Italian) can be found in the [website]. There is also the full description of the project, the purpose and the materials used to build it up.
