Arduino Libraries Census and Repository

As we are approaching to the first official Arduino 1.0, we thought we could take some time to understand better the different libraries for Arduino out there including the state of compatibility with 1.0.
Massimo on the [Forum]:
At the moment , finding a library for Arduino is quite complex for a user (especially for beginners) because there is no official registry of libraries and some these libraries are abandoned although they might still be useful with some maintenance.
As part of the current effort to open up as many parts of the Arduino process as possibile we have thought about how to improve the situation and here are some actions undertaken right now:
1. we are working on a database of every Arduino library available. This will be published on our website as soon as it’s done. In the meantime library authors can help us by entering their library in the “database” through this link
Please add your library specifying all the required info so that we can contact you in case we need more info.
The only requirement is that the library must run on at least one of the boards listed in the Arduino IDE.2. We have created a new repository for Arduino Libraries on github available here:
we encourage every library author to migrate their code there (especially if they are not using a sourcecode repository) . We’ll create projects for each library managed by the original library author. This will allow each library to have a documentation page and an issue management page.
In the future we expect this repository to be part of a system that will make it very easy for the users to select and install libraries directly from the ide being warned of any update available for the ones they currently have installed.It’s a bit of a large project in a way but in the long run it will create a nice repository of very useful code.
I hope you will join this exciting project!!!
As usual comments and suggestions are welcome.