Issues with the new Arduino UNO Smd edition
A few days ago we announced the release of the new Arduino Uno SMD that was made quite in a rush to compensate the global shortage of through hole parts that is affecting many manufacturers, ATMEL included.
We have received reports from a handful of users that their boards had a strange issue where the processor would not start the last sketch that had been uploaded. This was particularly annoying as it didn’t show up in our test done at the factory and it seems to affect only some of the Uno SMD boards.
After a few tests we determined that this happens when the board is unplugged and plugged back in triggering a bug in the new bootloader.
The new version of the bootloader is available here
If your board has a serial number between 317000 and 317999 they might be affected by this bug, please return your board to the distributor and you’ll get a new one for free, that’s the Arduino policy that every official distributor is bound to.
In case you know what an ISP programmer is, you can fix your board in 5 minutes by reprogramming the bootloader.
In the next few days we’ll post more tutorials for the ones who would rather fix the board themselves.