HackVision now available
October 20th, 2010
As I read in the Forum, the latest NootropicDesign Product has bees released:
Hackvision is a simple, retro gaming platform based on Arduino technology that you can assemble and connect to your TV. You can write you own games and make your own controllers!
The price goes from $37.95 (kit) to $47.95 (assembled).
- NO Arduino is required. Based on Arduino technology so you can write your own games and upload them using the Arduino IDE. All you need is a USB to TTL serial cable or adapter.
- Connects directly to your TV with standard RCA connections. One for audio, one for video. Works with NTSC or PAL (Europe, Africa, Asia, South America) TVs.
- Integrated button controller right on the PCB.
- Preloaded with awesome Space Invaders and Pong games. More games coming. You can write them, too!
- Other controllers supported: Wii nunchuk, SuperNES, or paddle controllers you can make from a potentiometer and button. Or invent your own.
- Software libraries for game development and controller support.
- High score files stored in EEPROM so they are retained even with power off.
- All unused pins broken out to pads for your hacking pleasure.
- Non-conductive adhesive foam pad protects the bottom of the board from your fingers.
- All through-hole components. Kit can be assembled in 30-45 min. Fully assembled and tested units will also be available.
- Additional accessories available in the nootropic design store including 9V adapters, RCA cables, Wii nunchuk breakout boards, paddle controller kits, USB-serial adapters, etc.
- Makes a great gift!
Technical Specs
- ATmega328 microcontroller with Arduino bootloader
- Monochrome video
- Resolution is 136×96 pixels (You can control this in your own games)
- Requires 9V power supply with center-positive 2.1mm barrel plug
via [nootropicDesign]