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Can Your Daughter Do This? Super-Avesome Sylvia's Super-Simple Arduino ProjectCan Your Daughter Do This? Super-Avesome Sylvia's Super-Simple Arduino ProjectTua figlia ce la può fare? Il semplicissimo progettino di Arduino di Sylvia

Davide GombaSeptember 14th, 2010



Chapter Three of Awesome “Sylvia’s Super-Awesome Maker Show”. Very nice video made from kid to kid.

Time to make kids play with this new tools (more to hear about this soon;).

meanwhile you may check  HowToons aswell, beside give a look to Sylvia’s Youtube channel

via [Wired-gadgetlab]




Sylvia e il suo papà Maker, TechNinja, hanno realizzato diversi how-to rivolti ai bambini. Questo parla di Arduino ed é semplicemente meraviglioso (come da titolo…). Sylvia’s Youtube channel.

via [gadgetLab]