Review: X10 Home Automation with Arduino
March 2nd, 2010
After looking here and there, I could find this Sept ’09 article found on geekboy. As the site was down I found it googling on willshouse‘s blog. anyway. Mike Parks’ example about simple X-10 triggering via RFID using the free SSH/telnet client PuTTY.
In this example, I control 1 device (on X10 circuit A, device 1). I initally turn the device off. When the RFID tag I am looking for is read, I turn the lights on. Next time that tag is read, I turn the lights off. I acknowledge various changes by providing feedback to the user via blinking LEDs and serial comms to the PC.
via [geekcowboy]and [willshouse]
Tag Technorati: arduino, X-10, Home Automation,