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Wearable soundscape from Canada

Zoe RomanoMarch 6th, 2013

BioCircuit by Dana Ramler


I’m reblogging from Core77 this interesting wearable project because I’d like to highlight the using of Arduino Lilypad board:

Bio Circuit stems from our concern for ethical design and the creation of media-based interactions that reveal human interdependence with the environment. With each beat of the heart, Bio Circuit connects the wearer with the inner workings of their body.

It was created at Emily Carr University by Industrial Design student Dana Ramler, and MAA student Holly Schmidt and provides a form of bio feedback using data from the wearer’s heart rate to determine what “sounds” they hear through the speaker embedded in the collar of the garment. Here’s the schematic of technology:

BioCircuit - Technology



Have a look at the video below to see how it works and don’t miss BioCircuit Project page on Dana’s Portfolio: