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Open Source Laser CutterCortadora Laser en Código Abierto

dcuartiellesJune 2nd, 2010


I got this email from Addie, a former ITP student:

Basically in short, we’re creating an open source laser cutter.

We have been doing the research for the last few months and believe we  have all the specs to make it happen… Now we just need the capital  to do it. Much like the open multitouch system of ’07/’08 we did, I believe if we can get the same attention, we can get the community to make it happen.

I want open source laser cutters to become a reality and an inundated fab piece for artist/designers/hackers. As you know from ITP, people can do amazing things if they just had the access to the equipment so  we’re trying to make that happen and happen now.

To give them support, visit this site and follow the instructions.


Recibí este mail de Addie, graduado de ITP:

Basically in short, we’re creating an open source laser cutter.

We have been doing the research for the last few months and believe we  have all the specs to make it happen… Now we just need the capital  to do it. Much like the open multitouch system of ’07/’08 we did, I believe if we can get the same attention, we can get the community to make it happen.

I want open source laser cutters to become a reality and an inundated fab piece for artist/designers/hackers. As you know from ITP, people can do amazing things if they just had the access to the equipment so  we’re trying to make that happen and happen now.

Están pidiendo nuestro soporte para diseñar y crear una  cortadora laser en código abierto. En el pasado hicieron también un sistema multitouch abierto y ahora quieren continuar con este nuevo proyecto.

Para darles soporte, sólo tienes que visitar esta página y seguir las instrucciones.
