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Open Lab Egypt

dcuartiellesNovember 5th, 2009

(c) 2009 Alex Posada,

(c) 2009 Alex Posada,

I got a report from Alex Posada, at, about the workshop they organized with the financial support of the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation and Development (AECID). The workshop ran during two weeks, and seems to me that it will become the base for a lot of people to start working with Arduino and other open source technologies in the field of arts in Egypt.

Workshop for the production of ideas/projects around the concept of interactive image and sound, using a combination of free hardware and software platforms (PD and Arduino) to deepen in the use of electronics and programming.

The workshop is intended for art students, artists, designers and educators, contributing to development cultural production in local communities.


(Open Lab Egypt) is a project for digital arts education in collaboration between Medrar Contemporary Arts (Cairo) and Hangar (Barcelona) funded principally by the Spanish Embassy in Cairo.


Workshop for the production of ideas/projects around the concept of interactive image and sound, using a combination of free hardware and software platforms (PD and Arduino). During the two weeks of workshop a space of reflection, investigation and collaborative work will be developed in a context of production, encounter, dialogues and collective learning where 2 tutors, Alex Posada and Sergi Lario, help to develop the proposals of the participants.

Open Lab Egypt

Open Lab Egypt
