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Lions and Farmers and Arduinos! Oh My!

tigoeFebruary 20th, 2011

Benedetta and Justin at Groundlabs sent us this great photo of a Mega they used in the Masai Mara in Kenya recently while testing some open source lion tracking collars they are developing for clients there and in Tanzania.

Groundlab does R&D for not-for-profit organizations, and uses AVR processors a lot, both in Arduinos and in their own custom boards.  Groundlab’s collars use GSM modems, and ever the good open source community citizens, they’ve posted a wiki with their libraries and tutorials which may be very useful for people developing similar modems, or any AT-style interface. They’re also linked off the playground under Interfacing with Hardware. Besides the GSM stuff, they’ve got some good examples for Telit modems, using CodeBlocks with AVRs and Arduino, and more.