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Rolling out more changes on the web

dcuartiellesOctober 16th, 2010

During the incoming days we are going to introduce some more changes to our web. There will be no service interruptions while we modify our blog, to allow users post their own projects -via a moderator-, or when we introduce some small modifications to the Playground’s CSS. However, you should expect some small issues when we implement two main improvements that we are testing these days:

– a forum migration to a new system

– a unified user registration and login service over the whole site

These changes are part of our Fall’10 improvement plan, where we are trying to get an infrastructure that will allow us giving privileges to the users and become forum moderators, blog editors, etc. Also the unified login system should allow you purchasing goods on the forthcoming Arduino Store.

There still no sure date for these operations to happen, but it should be in the following 2 weeks, I like to roll out changes on Saturday night, when the US goes to bed and the EU isn’t awake yet. Anyway this time we might be forced to introduce the changes during weekdays … we’ll see how the schedule develops.
