Reminder: Open Hardware Summit submissions due next week.

The submission deadline for the Open Hardware Summit is next Thursday, May 31st. If you’re doing something cool with open-source hardware and would like to present it as a talk, demo, or poster, check out the call for submissions and send in your proposal! The submissions are fairly informal and short (only a page or two), so there’s still time to put something together. The summit itself will be held on September 27th at Eyebeam in New York City.
Here’s some more information from the call:
The Open Hardware Summit (OHS) invites submissions for the third annual summit, to be held on September 27, 2012 at Eyebeam Art + Technology Center in New York City. The Open Hardware Summit is a venue to present, discuss, and learn about open hardware of all kinds. The summit examines open hardware and its relation to other issues, such as software, design, business, law, and education. We are seeking submissions for talks, posters, and demos from individuals and groups working with open hardware and related areas. Submissions are due by May 31, 2012 BY 11:59pm (EST). Notification of accepted proposals will happen by July 8th, 2012.