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DIY silhouette sketcher

dcuartiellesDecember 14th, 2011

Spanish artist and Fine Arts professor Rubén Tortosa partnered with Computer Science professor Miguel Sánchez, both from Universitat Politècnica de València, to create an interactive arts installation that captures visitors’ silhouettes using a Kinect depth-camera and print them on the wall using an Arduino and a couple of stepper motors. Image processing uses OpenCV library and Daniel Shiffman’s Kinect library for Processing. Arduino code is tasked to act as an interface between the PC and a couple of microstepping motor drivers.

Check the other videos in Miguel’s profile to fully understand how this works. He promised to make better documentation as soon as he has the time, but he couldn’t help sending his proof of concept to our blog as soon as it was done.

Thanks Miguel for the videos, this is beautiful!
