Arduino Store Opens

As you’ve probably noticed, we are proud to announce the long-awaited opening of the Arduino Store. Give yourself a look here.
As Massimo wrote recently,
It was quite an effort that required the redesign of our web infrastructure to unify the authentications systems to provide a uniform user experience
that helps you update your data rather than create a new account from scratch.

Another new & important feature is the possibility to Sell on the Store.

And, last but not least, we finally launch the Tinkerkit! with a starting price of 79.90 EUR (but you can also buy individual modules or find your own promotional kit).

We are going to collect your impressions about the Store and how make it better, as we previously did with our beta testers (btw, thanks guys!).
As you can see we (still) don’t have a wide range of products to offer; we are going to improve this in order to suit in the best way your needs. If you want to advice us about the Store (products, malfuncions, adivices) contact us or simply drop a note to store (at) arduino . cc