K3 – Prototyping Show Announcement

During the last year Tony Olsson has been teaching the Physical Prototyping courses at K3 – The School of Arts and Communication, at Malmo University, Sweden. My former student and now colleague is making a terrific job in introducing the students to design concepts and how to materialize them. This year’s brief invited the course participants to research new ways of visualizing data in physical ways. If you happen to be close to Malmo, feel free to pass by the show this Wednesday afternoon. Here the invitation:
PP1 2011
Its that time of year again. The sun is shining, the flowers a slowly waking up and it is time for the annual Physical Prototyping 1 final show. This year the first year students at the Interaction Design course at k3 have been tackling the topic of Physical Data Visualization. On Wednesday 30/3 at 16.00-19.00 they open up the doors at Malmö Högskola and will bring you the latest in novel human computer interaction and data visualization.
So join the data flow to Östra Varvsgatan 11 (Karanen Bulding) and partake in this one day only exhibition.
where?: Östra Varvsgatan 11, C floor infront of the boat.
when?: Wednesday 30/2 at 16.00-19.00