Nice drawings of the Arduino UNO and Mega 2560

If you’re looking to make your own shield for the Arduino platform, you’ll definitely need to know where all the pins and holes are located on the Arduino. After doing a quick search, I was unable to find an accurate technical drawing of the new Arduino UNO and Arduino Mega 2560.
Using the PCB design files available at the Arduino hardware website, I created a detailed technical drawing of both the Uno and Mega 2560. The drawings are available in vector-based SVG format, but low-resolution PNG files are shown below (click for larger versions). All drawings are released into the public domain, but let us know if you find any mistakes or have any suggestions or updates.
Arduino Uno SVG Drawing / Arduino Mega 2560 SVG Drawing
Very Good Job guys!
via [MAKE] source [WayneAndLayne]