David Cuartielles Interviews Daito Manabe @ Tecarteco
As you may have read, Massimo was invited to talk and run a workshop at Tecarteco (a festival about Technology, Art and Ecology in Lugano, Switzerland) . Everything was great, and we had an amazing time with the guys from the workshop! The first big surprise was that David Cuartielles joined us for the whole week, and for the workshop as well. The second surprise was this improvised interview to Daito Manabe that started as a joke but with very interesting questions (followed but very interesting answers).
After the interview Daito showed me one of the shoes he used for the amazing Nike Japanese advertisement.

Well, trust me, there was an Arduino in every shoe… (very dark picture!)

Even if it was meant to be a one-day introduction of Arduino and Physical Computing we were able to explain and play around with different things/tools. We’d like to thank Claudio Prati for organising the festival and Serena Cangiano for the support and help. Many thanks to Massimo Botta and SUPSI for hosting us.