Arduino Pachube Library
February 24th, 2010
— As I read on this blog post by Jose Anes, he has been working on a while on the Arduino > Ethernet shield > Pachube communication, to achieve “a Pachube manual update client on the arduino that pushes EEML XML format to Pachube directly, without a PC in the middle”.

If someone has a better library, please let me know where to find it. Here is a link to the code I am using to accomplish this purpose. So far it is working well enough. Some interesting points:
- I had to print directly to the stream (ethernet in or out), because creating an EEML XML string was too much for the small memory of the Arduino. Direct writing as a stream solves that.
- I still want to avoid the reset every time it uploads to pachube (took that from the pachube CSV example).
The code: 20100218-pachube
via [ActionResults]
Tag Technorati: Arduino, Pachube, Xml, Ethernet Shield,