Arduino All Stars – The Complete IR Library for Arduino

Some time ago Ken Shirriff posted on his blog a nice e useful library, lately moved to GitHub: The InfraRed Arduino Library.
Since then you can decode Sony, Nec, RC5 and RC6 , and even raw codes, using them to store unusual commands from unusual protocols. (The code can be downloaded from IRhashcode.pde. The sample application prints the “real” decoded value and the hash value. The “real” value will only work for supported protocols (Sony, RC5, RC6, NEC), but the hash value should work for almost any remote control.)
This is, by farm the most interesting Arduino library around.
Build your own commander!
TIP: remember to follow TV-B-Gone instructions for powering the IR led)

read more interesting things on ken’s blog
Tag Technorati: arduino, IR, Led, commander, tv-b-gone