Tom Jones singing to Arduino
People have plenty of spare time, at least that is the impression I got today while working on cleaning some spam from the forum. Crumpy_mike sings on this forum thread to Tom Jones’ Delilah:
I saw the flickering lights of your LEDs loading,
I saw the flickering bytes that I coded so blind,
She was my dev board,
As she did nothing I watched and went out of my mind.My, my, my, Ar-duino
Why, why, why, Ar-duino
I could see that board was no good for me,
But I was lost like a slave that no man could free.At break of day I just posted a note on the forum,
I looked at the replies only to find I was dumb,
It lay there laughing,
I felt the iron in my hand and it laughed no more.My, my, my, Ar-duino
Why, why, why, Ar-duino
So before they come to break down the door,
Forgive me Arduino I just couldn’t take any more.
In the meanwhile, yesterday we broke the record in people logged in the forum. Just take a look at these stats:
Most Users ever online was 410 on Yesterday at 09:24:13.
Most Members ever online was 69 on 09.11.9 at 20:13:45.
Most Guests ever online was 358 on Yesterday at 09:23:12.
Most Search Engines ever online was 111 on 21.10.9 at 23:38:35.
In my opinion, the server’s upgrade seems to be having some effect -there still a lot to do-. On the other hand, in order to gather information about spam, and collect proposals on how to improve the website, we have created a whole new category in the forum. Please report everything you find there, it will make our cleaning-work much easier.
Also, if you want to follow the development of new features for the website, this google code project is the place to visit. We will be collecting all the feature requests, and implement them in order of importance. We will not install everything asked, but we will do our best to improve the service. You could report feature requests if you have a google developer account directly there.
I doubt the forum’s success has to do with Tom’s cover, however I hope Tom will forgive us for this :-)