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Bife Arduinico

dcuartiellesDecember 2nd, 2008

In Argentina I got told to ask for the famous “Bife de Chorizo”, a juicy steak served more or less everywhere. I spent three weeks working with Buenos Aires’ Ministry of Education in promoting the lab-in-a-box project and teaching secondary school educators in the use of open source technologies. We developed interesting examples using a combination of Arduino and Processing.

picture courtesy of the Arduino interest group in BsAs

The reaction of the workshop participants to the experience was great, they formed a new technologies interest group that will meet periodically and made some public presentations of the possibilities in teaching using Arduino, as they show in their blog.

The main problem is still importing Arduino boards to Argentina, the import tax is very high for a country which money is worth 25% of the Euro … however if the government is paying, money is not a big deal, and we are talking about 400 schools only in the area of Buenos Aires interested in the use of Arduino. The issue is that the components making an Arduino board what it is are also hard to find there (or non-existing). We need one or more Argentinian distributors as soon as possible!

Other relevant links I could gather during this trip are related to open source software/contents: one of the open source/free software associations in Argentina La Tribu is a radio channel in Buenos Aires that is very concerned about the use of open source and that provides endless hours of copyleft music, both online and on the waves. Also they celebtrated a festival while I was there the Argentinian military turning to Linux, finally someone taking care of homeland security understands that the penguin offers better level of security than the others


3 Responses to “Bife Arduinico”

  1. Lorena Says:

    Hola David! nos encantó el taller y nos trasmitiste mucho entusiasmo en tu visita por Buenos Aires. Estamos con toda la energía del bife de chorizo para seguir trabajando en el proyecto 🙂


  2. diego Says:

    My english is not so good, so my first try is in english, then spanish:
    I´m from Buenos Aires, i made a couple of arduinos for my personal use, I’m actually working as a java programmer and my hobbies are electronics and arduino.
    A couple of years ago I teached informatics at high school and also at Maimonides university the subject was Programming I. I really enjoy teaching.
    I read the blog that you named, but I didn’t get any contact info. I would like to get involved, for teaching, or as a distributor or both. So if anyone is interested, please contact me at diego.diez[at]

    Soy de Buenos Aires, hice algunos arduinos para mis proyectos, trabajo en este momento como programador java y mi hobbie es la electronica y arduino. Fui profesor (en E.E.M. 15 y 19 y en E.E.T 3, del distrito Merlo) hace unos años dando la materia introduccion a la computacion, tambien di clases en nivel terciario en la universidad Maimonides de capital federal, la materia programacion I, me gusta dar clases.
    Lei el blog local pero no encontre informacion de con quien me puedo contactar, me gustaria formar parte, ya sea enseñando o como proveedor, o ambos. si alguien esta interesado me puede contactar a diego.diez[at]

  3. dcuartielles Says:


    if you want to become an Arduino distributor, send an email to “team [at]”



    si quieres hacerte distribuidor de Arduino, contacta por mail con “team [at]”

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