Introducing Centipede Shield
[Macegr] arduino forum user:
Finally, we have these in production! Took a lot longer than expected, due to some other urgent projects with Tangible Interaction, and Maker Faire. Anyway they’re here and I think they look great.
The Centipede Shield adds 64 general purpose digital I/O to your Arduino. By “general purpose I/O” I mean that each pin can be individually configured as an input or an output, just like the normal digital pins on an Arduino. We’ve also cooked up a library that makes it easy to talk to the Centipede Shield; the syntax very similar to the normal Arduino digital pin commands.
more info after the break
We also have some breakout boards and cables/connectors we’ll add into the store soon (visible in photo below). Will make it really easy to wire up the 64 I/O to your project or to a breadboard.
check it out on the shop, or on the forum.