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dcuartiellesApril 30th, 2009

The Swedish Magazine Arkitekten makes a reflection about the relevance of 3D printing and the internet. In the article, titled something like “Filesharing changes the future of design”, the editors look into the relationship between technology and intellectual property. They look through current design trends. Among other things, Arduino is mentioned, as one of the open source tools used in the production of Spoorg (browse down in the page),  by Pablo Miranda and Aasmund Gamlesaeter.

Arkitekten 0904

(c) 2009 Arkitekten, picture by D. Cuartielles

What really strikes me from this article is the fear it transmits towards open source, as well as towards open fabrication. They expect people with laptops to copy 3D shapes while sitting in a café, sending their files resembling designer pieces to manufacture and getting them shipped home a couple of days later. Actually, the article’s subtitle says “the combination of 3D files over the net and 3D printing facilities can bring illegal downloads of design”.

Arkitekten 0904

Arkitekten 0904

(c) 2009 Arkitekten, picture by D. Cuartielles

That might in fact happen, and I would love to see it happening. I believe openness challenges our way of understanding many things that we have been giving for granted for too long. Anyway, this is my personal opinion** and shoud NOT be understood as an Arduino opinion.

(** personal as in D. Cuartielles’ )


3 Responses to “Ardutekten”

  1. robert Says:

    We seriously need brain implants!

    Every time the slightest indication of having an idea of some sorts is detected, it will be electrochemically suppressed until the DIABLO(*) has decided whether some company can make profit of it. After that the thought will be extracted and your brain zapped.

    (*) Divine International Association for Blocking of unwanted thoughts by LObotomization

  2. dcuartielles Says:


    I though conspiracy theory was the last thing that would surround Arduino. BTW, I love your stuff, good blog Robert!

  3. robert Says:

    What conspiracy ?

    This place has been reported to DIABLO(*). In accordance to the Digital Millennium Lobotomization Act (section 51, paragraph 42) all necessary means to suppress any further outbreaks of pernicious creativity are acceptable.

    This place will be dealt with shortly. Once and for all.


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